“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe” - Anatole France
This world of today is turning into a global village with ever shrinking boundaries. This global environment presents unique challenge & competition at international level.
With this purpose in mind Gyan Ganga International School (GGIS) has strived to design a very refined and high quality, balanced educational programme which will turn the level of our students into international in the true essence of the word. We strive to allow each student to develop in all areas-Academic, Physical, Emotional, Spiritual and Social to full potential. The stress is on developing international outlook grounded in Indian tradition & culture.
To ensure such a development GGIS has highly trained teachers, thoroughly researched syllabus and state of the art infrastructure. We aim at producing students who are dedicated learners and compassionate thinkers and who believe in the school motto-ARISE, AWAKE, ACHIEVE.
In other words aim is not to produce parrots with heads full of crammed knowledge but natural leaders who can lead the nation into the new world.
Coming days are going to witness GGIS’s rise as an International class school.
An International standard swimming pool, wi-fi campus, CCTV, class room equipped with latest technology, Modern Playgrounds, Ultra Modern Computer Lab, Language Lab etc are just a glimpse of the sincerity involved in the efforts. You will find energy of teaching matching the vibrant energy of children to make learning enjoyable and lively. Total stress is on real education and not on cramming to burden the child.
With God’s wish & your blessing we hope to succeed in our sincere efforts.
We look forward to groom the young minds into visionaries and achievers of international repute.
With lots of prayers and best wishes.
Mrs. Harpreet Kaur