After passing through different phases of life and realizing the actual facts the knowledge. I have acquired, makes me feel that the importance of education in life is just incredible. Education obtained at right time is very essential to smoothen the road to success in life. In my opinion the charity such as education is the best kind of charity one can opt for in his life. Then I thought of public welfare that too in such a way that maximum the people are benefited from it. That’s why I thought to make a temple for education & inspired my family also into this very direction of importing education as a charity for the people. This resulted in the formation of GGIS. The best has always been kept in mind for each step being taken in the formation of this school. No, compromise has been done right from selecting the Principal, teachers, school building or the resources. To give the best of the education with the best possible resources is possible only with the help of your blessings and best wishes with all your cooperation and the blessings of the almightily, GGIS will raise to be the best school in this region.