Education is not an affair of mere ‘telling’ and ‘being told’ but an active constructive process that requires the school environment to be equipped with agencies for doing. Keeping in line with the principle, ‘ Learning by Doing’, GGIS provides all the facilities required for gaining knowledge or skills through direct experience of carrying out tasks under careful supervision of the teachers.
Further, In order to make learning easier and interesting, all the labs in the school have been furnished with ‘Interactive Smart Boards’.
Science Laboratories
The knowledge of Science is gained by the students through observation, experimentation and verification and for this, practical work is the most important factor. Housed in a whole separate block of the academic building, the School has four huge, fully -furnished Science laboratories- Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Robotics with excellent facilities for practical work. These labs play a key role in generating interest in the subject.
A regular feature of the school curriculum, the experiments in all the streams are conducted by the students under the guidance of the trained staff. The children get a hands-on experience here, which complements the theoretical knowledge and helps them explore the wonders of science.
The school puts special emphasis on updating the labs on a regular basis as per the technological and scientific developments happening around.
Establishing a new Robotics Lab for the budding Einsteins, hiring experts’ services and holding workshops for the thorough training of the science faculty from time to time is a step forward in the aimed direction.
Mathematics Lab
We, at GGIS use modern techniques of teaching mathematics. We have a Mathematics lab well equipped with Interactive Smart Board and instruments like algebra kit, number kit, money kit, fractional kit, integer kit, decimal kit, abacus and clocks to explain the various concepts of Algebra and arithmetic.
Practical demonstrations, on one hand develop the scientific aptitude among the children of GGIS and on the other hand, make mathematical content more interesting for them. Far away from the concept of rote- learning, our students love to study Mathematics as they understand the subject thoroughly.
Communication Lab
The school boasts of having a spacious and ultra -modern Communication Lab equipped with both- the Lang. Lab software and Interactive Smart Board. With a seating capacity of 40 students, the software-based communication Lab provides a congenial atmosphere for learning communication skills through a variety of listening and speaking tasks. The school keeps getting its software upgraded from time to time, the latest one being the third in the row. This highly-advanced version of the Lang. Lab. software offers ILT (Instructor-Led Training) Sessions and CBT (Computer-Based Training) Sessions. I.L.T. sessions are meant to be led by the teachers whereas in CBT sessions, the students practice the given tasks themselves. The kind of wide exposure and rigorous training the students get in the communication lab needless to say, they overcome their initial hesitation in spoken English and master communication skills in no time.
Social Science Lab
A society-oriented subject, Social Science deals with our past, present and future. The usage of multi-media through Interactive Smart Boards, charts, still models and working models bring characters of the history to life, break the monotony of routine teaching and add charm to the so-called ‘difficult’ subject. Learning characters, events and details of history and topography, terminology and meteorology of geography becomes absolute fun with the aid of these teaching devices, leaving nothing ‘challenging’.
Seeing is Believing. An audio visual room, set up to make the class room teaching more effective and interesting, is indeed a place of instant and joyful learning for the tiny toddlers. They are taken to the Audio – Visual Room regularly so that learning could be made easier and more interesting. It is here that our juniors listen to the rhymes, watch interesting videos, animated stories and movies.