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We embark on the mission of creating individuals who are confident about their potential and are goal oriented, sensitive to their environment.
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About Us
Gyan Ganga International School, founded in 2009, has carefully chosen the path to creative and progressive education to rise above the confines of conceptional teaching. The institute is fully child oriented and ensure "Holistic Development" of the students, thereby increasing their mental and physical potential. The school is sprawled over 13 acres, away from the bustling urban environment. A co-educational school believes in the holistic development of students by enriching the quality of life. We set the highest standards of academic achievement, intellectual growth, ethical awareness, sportsmanship and other good qualities to our students.
Our philosophy centers around delivering a stellar educational experience that is progressive, child-focused, and secure. We prioritize nurturing each student's potential, while also developing an affinity for individual differences. We celebrate the uniqueness of each and every student.
I have acquired the lesson of welfare of humanity in my life from my elders. Education is the base and support of growth in the present modern world. I feel proud to be a part of the sacrifice for the welfare of the humanity and with an extremely humble heart and pure purpose I dedicate this temple of education to the society.
This world of today is turning into a global village with ever shrinking boundaries. This global environment presents unique challenge & competition at international level. With this purpose in mind Gyan Ganga International School (GGIS) has strived to design a very refined and high quality balanced educational programme.
Our school library is filled with knowledge and is equipped with the tools and infrastructure that students need to learn, think, and share ideas.
Information technology plays a key role in almost every aspect of life. At our school, we provide students with access to a fully-equipped computer..
Physical fitness, achieved through team sports and fitness classes are a part of the total educational experience at GGIS. We provide a strong..